Copy trade

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Performance fee
Daily withdrawal***
** The performance fee is based on the high-watermark principle and is 30% for balances < €50.000, and only 20% for balances > €50.000.
*** You are completely free to withdraw your funds at anytime if there are no more open trades.

Copy trade via Growth One

What is copy trading?

Copy trading, also known as mirror trading, is a method of investing in which investors copy the trading strategies and trades of other, often more experienced or professional, traders. This means that when the copied trader executes a trade, such as buying or selling a particular financial instrument, the same trade is automatically executed in the account of the copying investor.

What is the advantage of copy trading?

The main advantage of copy trading is that it offers individual investors the opportunity to benefit from the experience and expertise of more experienced traders. This can be particularly valuable for newcomers to the financial markets or for those who do not have the time or knowledge to conduct extensive market analyzes on their own.

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During this personalized orientation call, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your investment goals, explore various trading strategies, and gain valuable insights from our seasoned professionals.Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, our team is dedicated to tailoring our services to meet your individual needs.

How does copy trade work?

The following steps usually apply to copy trade:

Selecting a trader: Investors select one or more traders to follow on a copy trading platform. This choice is often based on the trader's trading results, risk tolerance and investment style.

Setting up the account: After selecting traders to follow, the investor sets up their account to mirror certain aspects of the trade (copy trade). This could include, for example, the amount allocated to each trader, and whether to copy all trades or just a certain type of trades.

Automatic trading: Once the settings are completed, the chosen traders' trades will be automatically copied to the investor's account. This means that, for example, if a trader buys shares of a particular company, the same shares are automatically purchased in the account of the investor following him or her.

Monitoring and adjustment: The investor can monitor the performance of his copied trades and make adjustments if necessary, such as switching traders or changing the investment amounts.

Copy trading is popular among new or time-starved investors as it allows them to benefit from the experience and knowledge of others. It reduces the time and knowledge required for individual market analysis, but it also entails risks as the investor is dependent on the decisions of others. It is important to remember that a trader's past performance does not guarantee future results.

Want to start with copy trading?

Are you interested in investing, but don't have the time or expertise to analyze the markets yourself? Do you want to benefit from the knowledge of experienced traders? Then Growth One is the solution you are looking for! Enter the world of copy trading now and take the first step towards a smarter investment strategy. Visit Growth One and discover how simple and effective investing can be.