Free Zone Companies

Free zones in Dubai offer companies the opportunity to make profits at very low tax rates. These free trade zones were established to attract foreign investors.

If you want to start a business, the UAE certainly offers you the opportunity to make a profit and be successful. Currently, there are more than 50 free zones in Dubai and the UAE. The purpose of these economic zones is to offer foreign investors tax benefits, customs duties, and simplified import duties. Each free zone is designed for one or more industries and only offers licenses to businesses that fall within that industry.

What is a Freezone Company?

Setting up a Freezone company in Dubai is a popular option for companies looking to establish themselves in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Free zones are designated areas within the UAE that offer special economic benefits and a streamlined process for setting up and operating a business.

One of the main advantages of setting up a Freezone company in Dubai is the ability to own 100% of the company, while foreign ownership in mainland companies is limited to a maximum of 49%. Additionally, Freezone companies are exempt from corporate and personal income taxes and can benefit from lower import and export duties.

Setting up a Freezone Company

The process for setting up a Freezone company in Dubai usually involves several steps. The first step is choosing a Freezone that is suitable for the business activity and selecting a suitable business activity and trade name. Next, the company must apply for a lease agreement and a trade license from the competent Freezone Authority. Finally, the company must register with the Ministry of Economic Development and obtain all necessary approvals or permits from other government agencies. In terms of cost, setting up a Freezone company in Dubai can be more expensive than setting up a company on the mainland. This is because Freezone companies have to pay higher fees for licenses and office space rental. However, the long-term benefits, such as tax exemption, 100% foreign ownership, and ease of doing business, outweigh the initial costs.

Overall, setting up a Freezone company in Dubai can be a great option for companies looking to establish themselves in the UAE. With the ability to own 100% of the company, tax exemptions, and a streamlined setup process, free zones offer a range of benefits that can help businesses thrive in the competitive market of the UAE. It is important to carefully research and consider the different Freezone options to determine which one is most suitable for your business.

Setting up a Freezone company has been made quite simple by our team of experts, so you don't have to do much paperwork.

Focus on Your Own Business

When you give us the task of starting your process, we will provide you with a list of all the necessary documents. This way, you have a clear overview of what we need and can be sure that we have the right information to start your process correctly.

During the process, we will keep you informed of every step we take. This means you are always aware of the progress and can share any questions or comments with us.

During the process, you don't have to worry about the details. You can fully focus on your business, knowing that we have your process in good hands and that we are doing everything we can to make it go as smoothly as possible.

With Growth Legal, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Assistance with company set-up
  • Full support with establishing the business structure
  • Guidance with opening a bank account
  • Assistance with medical examination
  • Inclusive of an accountant
  • VAT & TAX consulting

Are you interested in setting up a Free Zone Company? Contact us and we will be happy to assist you.